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Sell Smart- Part One!

Are you one of the many homeowners trying to decide if this is a smart to sell a property you own? If so, you are not alone. Many homeowners across the country are having the same debate over whether this is the right time to cash in and buy something else, or just cash in. […]

Renting Versus Buying: The Practical Truth

There are many factors to consider when considering renting versus buying a home. Chief among these can be your desired mobility. Indeed, suppose you anticipate your residence in a place to be short-term. In that case, renting does afford a greater degree of flexibility. And yet, as the availability of housing continues to grow tighter, […]

Saving to Buy a House: A 7-Step Guide

Saving for a new home is unlike any other savings experience. You’re not just filling a bank account and hitting a number. Instead, you’re preparing for what is likely the largest purchase of your life.  In a competitive housing market where bidding wars are common, you’ll want to have every advantage when saving for a […]