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Independence Day… from your Mortgage!

As we near the celebration of America’s Independence, it got me thinking about American’s efforts to gain Independence from their mortgage. You have heard me say it before, no one actually wants a “mortgage”. They want a home and generally by default they have to have a mortgage to get one. We then spend the […]

If you build it, they will come…

Just hearing this phrase makes me want to curl up on the couch with a blanket and enjoy some cornfield baseball, but that is not what we are going to talk about here. It seems everywhere I turn in our wonderful town, there are new houses breaking ground or beautiful land just waiting for someone […]

Just in Limited Time Offer!

For the Fall Season… Limited Edition Pumpkin Spice Mortgage!  It smells like vanilla pumpkin hot cocoa with just a hint of apple pie, feels like crisp crackle of the fireplace and looks like the picturesque color changing leaves making a fall colored rainbow. If Fall is your favorite season, THIS will be your favorite Mortgage […]